Defining a Simulation
Here, we explain how to simulate a dynamical system i.e., a Mechanism
forward in time. The example that we are trying to replicate the Dzhanibekov effect shown below.
# ### Setup
using Dojo
using DojoEnvironments
# ### Get mechanism (check DojoEnvironment/mechanisms files for kwargs)
mechanism = get_mechanism(:dzhanibekov; timestep=0.01, gravity=0)
# ### Initialize mechanism (check DojoEnvironment/mechanisms files for kwargs)
initialize!(mechanism, :dzhanibekov; angular_velocity=[15.0; 0.01; 0.0])
# ### Simulate mechanism
storage = simulate!(mechanism, 5, record=true)
# ### Visualize mechanism
vis = visualize(mechanism, storage)
And voila! You should see something like this;